Thursday, September 28, 2006

In the beginning...

I started reading comics at a very young age. I have always been a DC boy and I will continue to be. My first exposure to comics was when my mother decided to move for the zillionth time. We moved into a rent-a-home and once again I was left with no friends. It was summer so at least I didn't have to deal with a new school yet! This little rent-a home had a shed next to it. One day I decided to be brave and check it out. Inside the wasp infested shed there were stacks (and I mean STACKS) of old comic books! I only got the door open a little bit before I got scared of the wasps. It was while before I got the nerve to take a can of Raid and attack the evil wasps so I could claim my treasure. When I did I was surprised to find a bunch of old DC books! I'm talking serious old school stuff. I got to learn about The Legion of Super Heroes and even got to read the very first Teen Titans story! It was least it was to me.

Over the next few years I read every single book in that shed. Even the Archie books which were not as interesting as the super hero books. I was so stupid looking back on it. I was sitting on a gold mine! If I had bagged and tagged those bitches I probably could have made a ton of cash! Instead I devoured them and they all but fell apart from my handling them.

When I ran out of books my mother informed me that some of those titles were still in print. I was shocked! I couldn't believe these stories could still be told all these years later! I began buying the new books and I have been hooked ever since. I may move to another state (I have a bit of my mother's gypsy nature) and I may make new friends...but one thing that stays constant are the characters that were my "friends" no matter what!

This is going to be a place where I talk about my favorite DC books of the moment. I will try to be fair...but I will not pull punches if I think something is bullshit!

Hope you enjoy!

To Look Forward To: The New DCU...52...The Big Three...and what is up with Dick Grayson???

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